The Viper" by Deepak Kaul is a thrilling suspense book. This is my second book by this author  and must say, the author's skill in crafting thrillers surpasses his self-help writing. The story begins with a public place being attacked with a deadly gas, setting the stage for intense action.

One aspect I particularly admire about the author is how intricately he has portrayed the character "VIPER". While Smith's character is also well-crafted, Viper stands out with his meticulous training and ability to handle situations discreetly. Every movement and action by Viper is meticulously described.

The book is relatively short and can be finished in a few hours, although my reading speed with ebooks is slow. The editing is commendable, compare to previous book . The language, suspense, and plot are all captivating and engaging.

However, I believe the author could improve upon the book's cover, title, and blurb. As readers, we often refer to the blurb before diving into a book, so it should be concise, intriguing, and to the point.

Overall, I highly recommend this book.

Rating 4.2/5


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