"Empire of the Cholas" by Siddharth is a compelling historical fiction that immerses readers in the grandeur of the Chola Empire. Set in 11th century South India, the story centers around the construction of the magnificent Big Temple in Thanjavur, a symbol of unity and harmony.

The book explores the lives of various characters, an ambitious man adrift, an emperor rising to greatness, a strong women asserting their authority amidst the political and social complexities of the time. The narrative weaves together fact and fiction, creating a rich mosaic that brings the Chola Empire to life.

I found this book quite interesting and easy to understand. Its lucid and straightforward writing style makes it accessible, and the extensive characterization adds depth, making it quite fascinating.

Overall, "Empire of the Cholas" is a good read for me. If you're a fan of historical fiction, then this book is worth exploring.

Publisher @rupa_publications

Author:- Siddharath N. Vijayaraghavan

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